Professional Installation of LVT Flooring: What to Expect?

When it comes to enhancing the aesthetic appeal and functionality of your home or office space, Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) flooring is an increasingly popular choice. Known for its durability, variety of designs, and ease of maintenance, LVT can mimic the look of natural materials like wood and stone at a fraction of the cost. Opting for professional installation ensures a flawless finish and maximizes the longevity of your flooring. Here’s what you can expect during the professional installation of LVT flooring:

  1. Pre-Installation Assessment

Before any actual flooring work begins, professional installers will perform a thorough assessment of your space. This typically includes measuring the rooms where the LVT will be installed to determine the amount of material needed. Installers will also check the condition of the subfloor, which is crucial for the success of the installation. The subfloor must be flat, clean, and dry to avoid any issues post-installation such as buckling or gaps.

  1. Subfloor Preparation

The condition of the subfloor is a key determinant in the success of the LVT installation. Professionals will prepare the subfloor by cleaning, leveling, and sometimes repairing or replacing sections if necessary. Any irregularities in the subfloor can affect the appearance and durability of the LVT, so this step is critical.

  1. Choosing the Right LVT

One of the advantages of LVT is the vast array of choices available in terms of patterns, colors, and finishes. Professional installers can provide valuable advice on what type of LVT best suits your usage needs, aesthetic preferences, and existing interior décor. They can also help you understand the differences between glue-down and floating LVT systems and recommend the best option for your circumstances.

  1. Installation Process

The installation process may vary slightly depending on whether you choose glue-down LVT or a click-and-lock floating system. For glue-down installations, the adhesive is applied to the subfloor, and the vinyl tiles or planks are laid down carefully. In a floating system, the LVT panels are interlocked and laid over the subfloor without adhesive, which allows for expansion and contraction.

Professional installers will ensure that the layout maximizes aesthetic appeal and minimizes waste. They will carefully cut and fit pieces around obstacles like columns, cabinets, and doorways. Precision in these details ensures a polished look and contributes to the overall durability of the flooring.

  1. Post-Installation Checks and Cleanup

After installation, the professionals will conduct thorough checks to ensure that every piece is securely installed and that there are no raised edges or loose parts. They will also clean up the installation area, removing any debris and cleaning the newly installed floor to leave it looking its best.

  1. Maintenance Advice

Once the installation is complete, professionals will provide you with tips on how to maintain your LVT flooring. This generally includes advice on regular cleaning methods, recommended cleaning products, and how to prevent scratches and scuffs. Proper maintenance can greatly extend the life of your floor, keeping it looking new for years.


Opting for professional installation of your LVT flooring not only guarantees a high-quality finish but also alleviates the stress of doing it yourself. Professionals bring expertise that ensures your flooring is installed correctly and efficiently, accounting for all nuances that might not be immediately apparent to the untrained eye. With their help, you can transform your space beautifully with a floor that will last and continue to impress.

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